💎 Diamond is the first status out of 9 in total. Each status has a different cap and can no longer be minted once reached e.g. only 200 Diamonds are possible followed by Black, Pearl, Platinum & Ruby i.a. with ascending caps each. Read on for all NFT status:
We define the following *NFT Pass Status* with the associated
- Status A (**Diamond**)
- Number of passes: 200
- Minted on number: 1 to 200
- Status B (**Black**)
- Number of passes: 1.600
- Minted on number: 201 to 1800
- Status C (**Pearl**)
- Number of passes: 12.800
- Minted on number: 1801 to 14.600
- Status D (**Platinum**)
- Number of passes: 102.400
- Minted on number: 14.601 to 117.000
- Status E (**Ruby**)
- Number of passes: 819.200
- Minted on number: 117.001 to 936.200
- Status F (**Gold**)
- Number of passes: 6.553.600
- Minted on number: 936.201 to 7.489.800
- Status G (**Silver**)
- Number of passes: 52.428.800
- Minted on number: 7.489.801 to 59.918.600
- Status H (**Bronze**)
- Number of passes: 419.430.400
- Minted on number: 59.918.601 to 479.349.000
- Status I (**White**)
- Number of passes: ∞
- Minted on number: 479.349.001 to ∞
This NFT property is by definition trivially
**deterministic**: It is always undoubtedly clear which status a
umpteenth digit minted *NFT pass* will have. The added
"Reverse Halving Logic" **rewards early adopters** with one
coveted NFT, whose rarity, by protocol, always decreases over time.